Awareness Among Homeless
G3S Foundation’s aim is to help each homeless people to ensure their reach to shelter and food and other basic needs. We do this by creating awareness among the homeless…
Donate NowWe at G3S Foundation envision better accessibility of Quality Elementary Education for Less Privileged children. We also have the vision of empowering the farmers and women in rural areas. We believe that if people were more aware of various govt. schemes and their rights and if they were provided adequate opportunities, they will be able to emerge out of their hopeless condition of living and will not be forced to migrate to cities in order to make ends meet.
G3S Foundation’s aim is to help each homeless people to ensure their reach to shelter and food and other basic needs. We do this by creating awareness among the homeless…
Donate NowG3S Foundation’s aim is to help each homeless people to ensure their reach to shelter and food and other basic needs. We do this by creating awareness among the homeless people by apprising them about the government initiatives for them as like Night Shelter in Delhi. We at G3S Foundation counsel the homeless people and convey them to sleep and reside in the night shelters developed for them rather than sleeping on the road or footpath.
Having conversations about menstruation can be hard. No matter where or who you are, we help women and adolescent girls to confidently lead conversations about menstruation and educate and empower…
Donate NowHaving conversations about menstruation can be hard. No matter where or who you are, we help women and adolescent girls to confidently lead conversations about menstruation and educate and empower others and all menstruators. G3S Foundation believes that Menstruation is a natural sign of health, not an ‘incident’ to be shamed! Most of the girls in India are unable to play or rather leave their house during their menstruation. Lack of knowledge, awareness and support of their parents lead to school misses, mostly one week a month. It was not only affecting girls’ education but also their future opportunities.
Menstruation and menstrual practices still face many social, cultural, and religious restrictions which are a big barrier in the path of menstrual hygiene management. In many parts of the country girls are not prepared and aware about menstruation so they face many difficulties and challenges at home, schools, and work places. Due to cultural norms and stigmas, menstruating women are not allowed to use water and sanitation facilities and in some cases even excluded from home as menstruation is considered impure. To go about this issue and empower girls enough to do everything as if the challenge of Menstruation wouldn’t exist, G3S Foundation organizes awareness sessions in remote areas and distributes free sanitary pads every month.
Working with the belief that when women are supported and empowered, the whole society benefits, G3S Foundation’s women empowerment initiative as Project Swawlambi is aimed at empowering women and adolescent…
Donate NowWorking with the belief that when women are supported and empowered, the whole society benefits, G3S Foundation’s women empowerment initiative as Project Swawlambi is aimed at empowering women and adolescent girls from lower socio-economic status and enabling them to realize their potential in every sphere of life – be it home, workplace or community by equipping them with necessary and relevant awareness, access and skills.
G3S Foundation believes that the national development starts with the first step of every child who is out of the school gate. Our small initiative to provide non-formal education to…
Donate NowG3S Foundation believes that the national development starts with the first step of every child who is out of the school gate. Our small initiative to provide non-formal education to the marginalized children and ensure their enrolment to school, promotes and catalyzes holistic education among underprivileged children, creates processes to mainstream these children in a sustained manner, strengthens their abilities to cope up with the formal education system, facilitates them to emerge as productive assets and sets the foundation for nation building.
Our Skills development and digital literacy program prepares self-reliant youth and adults who can contribute towards the nation’s progress
Donate NowOur Skills development and digital literacy program prepares self-reliant youth and adults who can contribute towards the nation’s progress. We do this by specialized skills training programs under the Project Kaushal in partnership with other organizations and institutions. The focus is to empower individuals through appropriate skill development leading to productive employment or self-employment, particularly to the marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the society.
The Project Kaushal aims to orient and enhance capacity of the individual to adapt to changing technologies and enhance use of technology for accessing information pertaining to various aspects of day today living. It helps in enhancing competitiveness, self-confidence and personality development thereby improving quality of life for students and community.
Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life’s blood. But everyone has something to give.
Some people look for great things, G3S Foundation make great for others
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.